How to create visually appealing presentations

October 14, 2024
 min read
A woman sitting at a home office desk with headphones participating in a virtual call on her laptop.
How to create visually appealing presentations
Written by 
October 14, 2024

Ever found yourself staring at a blank page, overwhelmed by the thought of creating a presentation that grabs people’s attention? Whether you’re pitching a new product, sharing insights at a conference, or training a team, a visually appealing presentation can be the difference between applause and crickets.

Let’s review how to make a presentation visually appealing while still getting your main points across. We’ll cover everything from choosing the right tools to incorporating interactive elements that spark engagement.

What is a visual presentation?

A visual presentation is a way to share ideas using elements like slides, charts, graphs, and images. It combines spoken words with eye-catching visuals to make the message clearer and attract your audience's interest.

What makes a visual presentation stand out is the mix of:

  • Relevance: Your visuals should link right back to your key message, helping the audience understand why what you’re sharing matters
  • Simplicity: Keeping things clean and straightforward makes it easier for the audience to get your points without getting lost in too much detail
  • Consistency: Sticking to a cohesive style throughout — like using the same colors and fonts — gives your presentation a refined look and keeps everyone focused on what you’re saying
  • Design: Smart design choices like eye-catching layouts pull the audience in and keep everyone's attention

Visual presentation examples: Core elements

Imagine standing in front of a room full of potential clients, only to see their eyes glaze over as they sift through dense text and uninspiring graphics. But don’t get anxious just yet. By incorporating a few elements into your presentation, you can go from boring to extraordinary.

Consider adding these visual presentation examples to your next presentation:


Typically created with visual presentation tools, these help organize your points in an attractive way. You can use presentation slides in meetings, business pitches, workshops, and even to onboard new collaborators on your platforms.

Example of agenda slides template in Mural.
Use the meeting agenda slide template in Mural.

Charts and graphs

These elements are great for breaking down complex data into easy-to-understand visuals, making information more accessible. Take advantage of an online diagram maker to present processes, create new workflows, and compare structures with ease.


Do you have a catchy topic? If not, grab a storytelling template and start by sketching out your narrative. Then, combine it with images, videos, and other visual elements to make your story compelling for the audience.

Example of storytelling template in Mural.
Use the storytelling template in Mural.
Related: Learn how to engage participants with immersive storytelling

Why are visuals important in presentations?

Incorporating visual aids in a presentation brings your message to life and keeps the audience alert from the very start — just like starting a day with a double espresso. By paying attention to the design of your presentation, you can:

  • Improve engagement and understanding: Visuals help break down complex ideas and keep your audience interested. Instead of overwhelming them with text, well-chosen images, flowcharts, or infographics make your points clearer and easier to grasp.
  • Elevate credibility: A well-designed presentation shows that you've put in the effort. When your slides look polished and cohesive, your audience is more likely to take your message seriously and trust the information you're sharing.
  • Enhance persuasion: Visuals can also make your arguments more compelling, which is a great strategy for closing a deal or convincing managers in a tech pitch presentation. Whether you use data visuals to back up a claim or impactful numbers to show potential outcomes, your design choices can make or break the success of your pitch.
Related: Explore 12 tips for building stakeholder engagement

How to create a visual presentation: A guide

Research by Workamajig shows that nearly 90% of US workers face distractions at least once a day, with almost one out of four being interrupted more than six times during their workday. To prevent your audience from getting distracted by small talk or phone notifications, consider these visual tactics to save the day with a great presentation.

1. Understand your audience and purpose

Before starting to create a visual presentation, ask yourself:

  • Who am I presenting to? Consider the participants' age group, background, interests, and level of knowledge on the topic.
  • What is my goal? Are you trying to inform, persuade, or inspire your audience? Knowing your purpose will help you tailor your presentation accordingly.

Understanding these factors helps you map stakeholders and select design elements that align with your objectives and audience.

2. Use visual presentation tools and templates to streamline the creation

No need to start from scratch. Whiteboard tools offer ready-made templates that save you time while ensuring your presentation looks professional. Consider platforms that provide features like:

Related: 6 tips for storyboarding your entire presentation in under 10 minutes

3. Apply design principles

Design is all about creating balance and flow, so make sure to use principles that enhance those elements, such as:

  • Contrast to highlight important information
  • Alignment to create a tidy layout
  • Bullet points to make your slides look clean and organized
  • White space to avoid overwhelming the viewer

Robust design keeps your audience focused on your message and prevents your presentation from looking like a jumbled mess.

4. Use high-quality visuals

High-quality visuals add depth and dimension to your presentations. Communicate complex information quickly with:

  • High-resolution images that grab immediate attention and evoke emotion
  • Videos that show processes in action or highlight your products effectively
  • Icons that convey ideas at a glance, making your content easier to digest
  • Infographics that present numbers and data in a captivating way
Related: 3 tips for bringing imagination to your next meeting

5. Keep it simple and consistent

When it comes to presentations, less is often more. To draw in your audience from start to finish, consider these best practices:

  • Focus on key messages: Highlight the main points you want your audience to remember, avoiding boring and unnecessary details
  • Use visuals wisely: Stick to a few key colors, fonts, and layouts throughout to create a cohesive look
  • Limit text: Keep your copy concise; you don't want people trying to decipher blocks of text, right?
Related: How Mural's product marketing team creates engaging, company-wide presentations

6. Incorporate interactive elements into the presentation

Adding interactive elements, like voting features, laser pointers, or real-time collaboration tools, can help get participants on board to co-create the visual presentation with you. It encourages them to share their thoughts and feedback right there, making your message stick even better.

Motivate your team, clients, or partners to participate by:

  • Breaking the ice: Start with some fun ice breaker ideas to get everyone comfortable and involved
  • Encouraging feedback: Ask participants to share their thoughts and questions throughout the presentation
  • Following up: After the presentation, thank participants for their input and let them know how their feedback will be incorporated into the final version

Bring your visual presentation ideas to life with Mural

Ready to draft your visual presentation? With Mural, you gain a visual work platform that centralizes all aspects of your projects, from planning to the final presentation. 

The good news is that you don’t need to be a designer or a professional presenter to get the job done. You have plenty of features to make your presentation interesting and interactive, even from remote locations. Make your meetings, training sessions, pitches, and workshops much more fun with:

  • Online whiteboard to whip up powerful presentations with images, icons, and other design elements that’ll wow your audience
  • Ice breakers to kick things off and get your participants involved before you dive into talk
  • Mural's library of templates to save you time and help you create visually stunning slides without the stress

Get started with Mural for free and discover the best visual presentation tools to make your ideas pop.

Published on 
October 14, 2024

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