Get your students prepared to collaborate in Mural
Use this template create a virtual exhibition space for students (and you) to get to know their soon-to-be-classmates and share their expectations of the course. Not only will this template help deepen connections between students, it creates an artifact that you can reference and reflect upon as you move forward through your course. The process of asynchronously completing the museum will give students the opportunity to learn the basics of Mural and set them up for success when they begin to visually collaborate as part of your course.
The halls of the museum include:
Remember: Any hall of the museum can be updated to better suit your specific course and group of students, just create the mural from the template and update the text boxes in the appropriate Exhibition Sections within the museum map. We hope you and your students have fun getting to know each other while learning Mural!
Watch an overview of the Course Introductions template:
Mural is the only platform that offers both a shared workspace and training on the LUMA System™, a practical way to collaborate that anyone can learn and apply.