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Wall of Work template

Stay up-to-date with your team's progress.

Courtesy of our friends at

Use this template to track the status of your to-do list or an entire team's work on an active project. 

The Wall of Work template is a practical framework for teams new to Scrum, simplifying the process of managing tasks and coordinating team efforts. It's designed for ease of use, allowing teams to adapt and quickly start working together more effectively.

Checking in on projects regularly and discussing what everyone's been doing helps the whole team stay on the same page. The Wall of Work template is excellent for quick daily updates to see how tasks are going, what's been finished, and where people might be stuck.

The template is like the team's home base for tasks, and it helps everyone feel involved and work better together. Plus, it's always there as a record, so the team can see how they're doing anytime, not just in meetings.

The Wall of Work template helps you:

  • Build a unified understanding of project tasks across the team
  • Facilitate smooth and efficient daily updates in stand-ups
  • Foster collaborative decision-making and task ownership among team members

How to use the Wall of Work template

To effectively use the Wall of Work template, follow these structured steps:

1. Define the project scope

Start by clearly outlining the project or tasks the wall of work will be used for. Summarize the main goals or objectives in a sentence or two, ensuring that every team member understands and is aligned with them.

2. Organize and categorize tasks

Break projects down into specific tasks or activities. Determine the following for each task:

  • The responsible team member(s)
  • The priority level of each task
  • Any dependencies or prerequisites
  • Required resources or tools
  • Estimated timelines for completion

Use the wall of work to visually categorize these tasks into sections like “Backlog,” “Up Next,” “In Progress,” “Done,” and “Blocked.”

3. Implement daily updates

Incorporate the Wall of Work template into your daily routine, such as in stand-up meetings. Have team members update the status of their tasks, moving them between relevant columns. This practice ensures everyone is informed about progress and upcoming tasks.

4. Review and adapt

Regularly review the Wall of Work template to assess the progress of tasks and the overall project. Look for patterns or recurring issues, such as frequently blocked tasks, and use these insights to adapt your processes or address any challenges.

Tips for using the Wall of Work template effectively

To make the most of the Wall of Work template in your project management and team collaboration, consider these practical tips:

  1. Make the most of the template’s visual nature. Use color coding, labels, or icons to distinguish between task stages, priorities, or categories. This visual differentiation aids in quickly identifying the status and context of tasks, making the template more intuitive and user-friendly.
  2. Incorporate Jira, Trello, or Asana links directly into tasks on the Wall of Work template. This integration streamlines task management by providing a one-stop overview where team members can access detailed information about each task without switching between platforms.
  3. Encourage team members to update the status of their tasks on the mural regularly. Timely updates ensure that the board reflects the project's current state, allowing for accurate tracking and management of progress.
  4. Promote open communication within the team using the Wall of Work template. Ask team members to share their progress, challenges, and insights. This transparency helps quickly address roadblocks and cultivates a collaborative work environment.

How to create a Wall of Work template

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Sticky notes & text

Sticky notes & text

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Wall of Work template frequently asked questions

What is the purpose of the Wall of Work template?

How do I use the Wall of Work template?

What are some best practices for using the Wall of Work template effectively?

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