Get to know each other by filling in the blanks in a Mad Libs-style biography
Mural's icebreaker activities are designed to foster a sense of camaraderie among team members or meeting participants, especially when meeting for the first time.
One engaging activity is our "Nice to Know You" icebreaker template. Each participant has a dedicated space for their name and preset prompts to share more info about themselves. Participants can then create their own sticky note where they share some interesting or unusual facts about themselves - this could include things like a hobby, favorite food, or a dream vacation destination. Encourage attendees to use different text colors, add emojis or pictures to their sticky notes to give their introductions a personal touch, making it visually distinctive and engaging.
Each member reads their notes aloud, allowing others to ask questions or share comments. This process not only breaks the ice but also enables participants to reveal their personalities and share some fun facts, thereby promoting a more comfortable environment.
Moreover, this activity can serve as an ongoing conversation starter, as the "Nice to Know You" section of the Mural can remain visible throughout the meeting, and teammates can return to it during break times. This interactive, lighthearted activity sets the stage for a productive and collaborative work session, while helping to build connections and better understand each other's backgrounds and interests.
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